Cork-Ringaskiddy M28 motorway gets green light from High Court

Date: 18 Nov 2020

Business leaders on Leeside have welcomed the High Court ruling which appears to have cleared the last major roadblock to the Cork-Ringaskiddy motorway.

The High Court yesterday refused leave for a group of residents from the Douglas, Maryborough Hill and Rochestown areas – the M28 Steering Group – to bring their challenge to the Court of Appeal.

The Steering Group does still have one last option to take their challenge to the Supreme Court – but it now looks like groundworks on the project can begin.

Cork Chamber of Commerce has called the High Court ruling on the M28 project “a major step forward for Cork”.

Chamber President, Paula Cogan said, “The High Court ruling today is clear and welcome setting a positive course for the M28.

“The M28 is a key infrastructural asset for facilitating safer travel and enabling the Port of Cork’s development which is of increased significance in the context of Brexit.

“It will open up to 220 hectares of lands in the Docklands for new housing, civic amenities and commerce and unlocks key IDA lands at Ringaskiddy.

“It is essential that Government now allocates appropriate funding so that enabling works can begin without delay.”

Ms Cogan said the M28 project can open up a corridor of opportunity for trade and new commerce while also making life easier for commuters in areas like Carrigaline – Cork’s biggest town.

“The development will significantly enhance commuting and commercial movements along the corridor.

“To maximise the high value and stable employment base in Ringaskiddy we must continue to invest in infrastructure that is fit for purpose.

“As the Port transitions to trading in a Brexit context, it is essential that every economic opportunity is realised and this route is critical to meeting both existing and potential demand.”

“With significant steps being taken to enable our Docklands, the decision today will give further certainty to investors as we continue to gather momentum for our globally competitive City region.”


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